Another great way to incorporate the Elf on the Shelf is to make Elf Food! We made this last year and the boys loved it. We actually made it together and then watched our first Christmas movie!
Items Required:
- 1/2 c. popping corn
- Salt
- 1/4 cup Butter
- 2.5 cups mini marshmallows
- Green Food colouring
- 1/2 Cup Mini Marshmallows
- M&M Candies – Red
- Cashews (if desired)
Pop the popcorn like normal. You can also use microwave popcorn. Sprinkle salt as desired.
Melt butter in a saucepan (always use the stove with an adult!). Add 2 1/2 c mini marshmallows and allow to melt stirring frequently. Sir until they are melted. Add food colouring the mix. Slowly pour the mix over the popcorn. Stirring frequently. As you add more, it will become stickier, so add more mix slowly. Pour your popcorn onto a lined cookie sheet.
Add marshmallows, m & m, cashews and any other desired snack food. Drizzle remaining mix over top (do not mix). Allow to dry and enjoy your elf food!!
Another fun activity is to have your child fill out an “Elf Application”!
Just right click on the photo and print it. Have them fill it out and either give it to Santa at the Mall or give it to the elf to take it back to the north pole….no promises but it does teach fun lessons about “applying” for things! 😉