Okay, so I know I’m a little late with this … February 15th was “Flag Day” here in Canada. Canada’s flag is a symbol that unites our country, all Canadians, and reflects the common values that we hold as one nation – equality, diversity, and inclusion.
February 15th 1965 was the first day that our national flag was raised for the first time on Parliament Hill in Canada. It was made a national day, February 15th 1966. Each year it is an opportunity to remember what our country stands for.
Did you know these facts about our flag?
Canada is the only country with a maple leaf on its flag
There are 11 points on the leaf in the center of the flag
Red and white were proclaimed Canada’s official colours in 1921 by King George V in the proclamation of the Royal Arms of Canada
The white square is the same size as the two red rectangles placed side by side (no other country has a flag with these dimensions)
In 1982 Laurie Skreslet carried the flag to the top of Mount Everest
1984 the flag went into space with the first Canadian astronaut on the NASA space shuttle Challenger
You can request to have a flag that was flown on the Peace Tower at Parliament Hill. They are changed daily, and sent to those who have asked for them, mind you, there is a 10 year wait
Canada’s flag has different elements that represent the country as a whole – for example, the two red bars on each side represent the two oceans that are on either side of us. The maple leaf is a representation of all the maple trees in our country.
What symbols or colours would you use to represent your family? Yourself? This weekend, why not design your own flag. Think about what you and your family like to do together. Draw it, colour it, cut it out, and then hang it in your home or bedroom. Remember to never fly the flag upside down!