I’ve been seeing a lot of frustrated parents with their Elf this year! I still love being creative and yet I completely understand the frustration with coming up with creative ideas. You have to find out what my elf drama was though this week…
So Charlie started the week of being a funny guy and trying to draw on our eggs, but he dropped one…oops!
Then with all that protein in him, then next day he needed to work out 😉 lol.
The next day the boys had forgotten to do their lego calendar so he helped them by taking it out and showing them.
Charlie loves to play jokes though, and so he had taken the shower curtain down and was having a rest in it. The boys though this one was hysterical!
I actually forgot to take a picture of the next day, but Charlie left them new Santa hats in their hat and mitts pouches in our mud room area. My youngest was SO excited he got to have his own Santa hat and has been wearing it every day 🙂
So then the next day, Charlie taped himself to my youngest’s door. That morning they thought it was so funny! They read the jokes that he had left on sticky notes and also loved that he drew a moustache on his picture.
Then the drama….dun dun duh…..
At the end of the day, we came home to this…..
My boys panicked. They were so upset that Charlie had fallen. They thought he might lose his magic. They wouldn’t go down the hallway and my youngest would not go into his room and he didn’t want to sleep in his bed tonight. So, I calmed them down and then suggested a shovel to pick Charlie up and move him. They started crying!! I felt SO bad!
So I messaged a friend for back up and asked her if their elf had fallen. She suggested that we should just leave him as that happened to their elf and he ended up flying back to the North Pole and he would come back in the morning. He is a little embarrassed he didn’t tape himself very well! They were ok with that answer luckily! Phew….
I thought it would be good the next day if they built their relationship back up with Charlie and got to carry him around. So he was stuffed inside a container with a note “Now you can carry me around with you!” on top. My youngest thought it was a great idea, but my oldest was unsure he should be touching Charlie. He is my little rule follower!
Well, we have 3 more days to go! Hoping you can be creative and remember to keep moving your elf around. If you need more ideas, find them here and here!
Happy Elf on the Shelf creating! 🙂